Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Supplements vs. Diet Pills

Weight loss through healthy living is the long, slow way to go. It's hard work, and it requires patience and dedication. However, as the millions of people who took Hydroxycut are now learning, diet pills and their promises of a quick fix can do more harm than good. It's important to understand the difference between supplements and diet pills, and make informed decisions about which, if any, would be helpful in your efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Diet pills are prescription or over-the-counter medications, usually containing an amphetamine or stimulant, intended to increase metabolism and help the person taking them to lose weight rapidly and independently of any other lifestyle changes. Hydroxycut is a diet pill. Dietary supplements, on the other hand, are concentrated forms of vitamins, minerals, herbs or dietary acids, used to provide these nutrients when the person taking them is not getting those nutrients in sufficient quantities from other sources. Your daily multi-vitamin is a dietary supplement.

People striving for a healthy lifestyle and long-term weight loss success are generally discouraged from using diet pills. They just don't do your body much good, and even if they're not harmful, they don't teach you how to maintain your weight. If you earn your lean body with hard work and dedication, you're much more likely to maintain the gorgeous final result. Dietary supplements, however, can help you live your healthy lifestyle. Check with your doctor or herbalist about which supplements are right for you. In Pete's case, taking a Chromium supplement helped stabilize his blood sugar and control his cholesterol. You may want to visit Dr. Andrew Weil's website for more information on natural dietary supplements. His free "Vitamin Advisor" will give you a list of the supplements he recommends for you based on your health and lifestyle, which you then order through his site or bring to your doctor to discuss. Another option for finding information about dietary supplements is your pharmacist. Many pharmacies carry a large selection of vitamin and mineral supplements, and most pharmacists are happy to discuss them with you. For a guide to finding the best pharmacy, click here.

If you do choose to take dietary supplements, there are a few considerations to bear in mind. First, check with your doctor before taking any new supplements, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant, or may become pregnant. Make sure your doctor and pharmacist know about any supplements you're taking if you're also taking any prescriptions, as some prescriptions and supplements don't play nicely together. To get the most out of your supplements, take them consistently at the time and dose directed, and be patient. It takes a few weeks or months for your body to absorb and make good use of the nutrients. You should know that the FDA does not regulate herbal supplements, so always get yours from a well-known, reliable source. Supplements can be expensive, especially if you seek out the best ones (which you should!). Once you establish which supplements you want to take regularly, consider using an online source to save money. Online suppliers, such as Swanson Health Products, have been around for years and offer huge selections at excellent prices. Take advantage of all the information and tools available regarding dietary supplements and find out if there are any nutrients available that might help you improve the quality of your healthy lifestyle.

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