Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Howdy, Partner.

Nope, it's not what you're thinking. Although it can be helpful to take on a new diet with a friend or partner for support, I'm talking about the foods you eat. In my last post I discussed the benefits of eating more often, 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. To help smooth over those peaks and valleys in your energy even further, eat foods that compliment each other. No worries - you don't have to start carrying around some "pocket" reference of 10,000 foods and cross-reference which food goes with which other food. Actually, just have two different foods each time you eat. How easy is that?

It's super easy. Your basic food groups in a low carb diet are generally proteins, whole grains, vegetables and fruits. By combining foods from any two of these groups, they help balance your body's reaction to your meal. For example, fruits can spike your blood sugar or cause a "sugar rush". If you eat them with whole grains, your body will take longer to break down and use that sugar, so the spike or rush will be reduced.

Here are some examples of snacks Pete enjoys -

6 oz low fat or fat free yogurt with a granola bar
1 medium apple with Triscuits (whole grain crackers)
celery sticks with peanut butter
light tuna in a whole grain tortilla
trail mix with raisins or Craisins

Pete's a creature of habit, so he has the same snacks all the time. You, however, can customize your own snacks now that you know the secret to balancing your foods. Pete makes all his meals the night before work, but I like to make a week's worth at a time when I can. It's entirely up to you. Just pick a few combinations you like and be sure to pack those snacks together. Enjoy!

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